Shreya Jayant

Product enthusiast. Entrepreneur. Writer.

Hi, I'm Shreya, a senior year student majoring in Computer Science Engineering at Jaypee University of Information Technology.
Being a college student is exactly what you'd think its like. The freedom, the friendship, the responsibilities and most importantly, exploring who you are and want to be.
What being in college has taught me? That I'm a social nerd and I love it.
Learning can be an addiction, an addiction we're allowed to love. Ever since I was a little kid, learning new things has been my passion.
Also, I love solving problems. Beause solving good problems and moving to the next challenge is what life is about for me. It's the dose that gives me happiness.
Scroll Down to know more about who I am and what I do!

My published Blogs


I tried my hand at explaining how things work in that funky brain of humans. If it's true or not, depends on the perspective of the person reading it.

Click on the title to read more.

Have you ever wanted to know how the “Remove Duplicates” feature in excel works?

Click on the title to read more.

My Projects

I love anything that involves strategizing, networking and anyalyzing.
Here are some of the projects I've worked on!

Entrepreneurship Cell Activities

Entrepreneurship is a puzzle that I've recently discovered. In the process of figuring it out, I attended a 54-hour Techstars Startup Weekend which made me quite passionate about startups and led to SVAP being born. SVAP is a safety device which discreetly tested if any harmful substance is present in your drink when you go partying at the bars and clubs. Taking on this project taught me a lot about how startups work and the struggles that entrepreneurs face. Then I joined the E-Cell of the uni called TIEDC, which ever since has been my second home. Take a look below at all we've achieved!


Startup Weekend Solan

14-16 September 2018

Click here to know more about the event!



28-29th September, 2019

CLick here to know more!


Corporate Relations Team

January 2019-present

Click here to see the activities we executed!


Startup India Experience

Our team of five (SVAP) participated in the Startup India CHallenge and were invited to IIT Mandi for the final rounds. After a lot of pitchings, convincing and product refinement, we ended up with the Social Innovation Award with Cash prize of 20k INR

My Tech communities

Sharing our knowledge, experience and learning new skills is only possible if the community is active and open-minded. I'm very thankful to have been part of such a community which encourages and helps me learn new skills. On top of that, the inspiration that the people here give me is no less inspiring. Take a look at all that we've achieved as a community!


Association for Computing and Machinery (ACM)

"Technology is best when it brings people together" This quote precisely explains what ACM has been to me. It's a community which works together, learns together and celebrates together.

Click on the Title to learn more!

Women in Teh, ACM JUIT

I worked as the chairperson for the community powered by the girls in tech of ACM.

Click on the title to get to know what we do!

Adventum 1.0

Annual Techfest of ACM started in 2019, where codeathons, treasure hunt, hackathons were held. Our team called "Techamerge" won the second place in the software category in Hackathon for building a humanitarian app which helps professionals connect with their target audience free of cost.

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Journey

Learn Student Ambassadors are basically a global group of campus leaders who are eager to help fellow students, create robust tech communities, and develop technical and career skills for the future. I'm an Alpha Ambassador and I organise events and activities which help me share what I know with my peers.


Microsoft Learn

Level Achieved
Beta (promoted from Alpha)


Events to be Executed

1. Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Workshop
2. 15 Days of Github


Leagues Joined

1. Technical: Data Analytics
2. Social: Education

Quotes that Inspire me


"The Best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now"

Chinese Philosopher



“The intention is not to avoid mistakes but to make sure that we manage them and learn from them. I would rather fail in action than because of inaction”




"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength"

Arnold Schwarzenegger


Contact Me!

I enjoy meeting new people and hearing new perspectives. So reach out to me if you want to chat about startups, emerging tech or your love of music!





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